How to enjoy yourself on a Segway.
We had our friends Terry and Sue from the UK over to visit us in October. It was their third time here, so we were keen to find something to do that we hadn't done before with them.
We went into the Tourist Information Centre in Guardamar and picked up several leaflets to peruse. One of them showed details of a Segway Tour in Guardamar. If you don't know anything about this mode of transport, it is a two wheeled vehicle powered by an electric motor. You can read more about the Segway here. The photographs show how much we enjoyed our adventure.
We try and do something now and again that scares us, so this was the perfect thing. Our friends, are always game for a laugh, so we decided to book the Tour.
We had to be at the Segway Offices for 11am. We arrived to be greeted by three pretty girls, which George and Terry appreciated very much. The paperwork had to be completed and signed, then the training course started. After a familiarisation exercise, we rode around an obstacle course, to make sure we understood how to operate the segway. Once we felt competent(ish!), we were allowed into the car park, and the speed of the vehicle was increased. In no time at all, we were careering around the car park like experts!
Two of the girls acted as 'Monitors', one at the front and one at the back and we nervously set off from their offices on the Santa Ana Industrial Estate, up the steep hill, past the bus station towards the South Park. Crash! Sue hit one of the kerbs and promptly fell off. She was shaken but not hurt and we were impressed that she got straight back on and continued the tour.
We had over two and a half fabulous hours of fun. We had people waving, laughing, and staring at us, we felt almost like film stars with all the attention we were given.
The highlight of the tour was careering around the square in front of the Town Hall. Luckily it was empty no people to manoeuvre around, we had great fun circling round and around.

It is a tour to be recommended.
If you want something different to do, call into the Tourist Information Centre and book yourself on this very different, challenging, but enjoyable tour. Further information can be found at this webpage.
George and Linda Corrigan
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