Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Garden Rubbish

Since the election of the PP (Partido Popular) to power in Guardamar, the collection of garden rubbish in El Raso has been painfully inadequate. Rotting cuttings, branches, bags of garden debris and other unpleasantness have been allowed to build up at previously designated collection points. The once almost faithfully regular Wednesday morning collections ceased as soon as the PSOE lost their hold on the Ayuntamiento and the PP took over. Indeed, as far as I am aware, since that time, garden rubbish has been collected on just two occasions!

Now a notice has appeared on the rubbish bin adjacent to the collecting point for our community. No doubt similar notices have appeared elsewhere in El Raso. The notice is in both Spanish and English (well, a sort of English, though it looks to me as though Google had a lot to do with it). It basically states that, as from 1 October, garden rubbish will no longer be collected from the usual collecting points and that, instead, it must be brought to the "municipal plot," which appears from the GoogleMaps screenshot accompanying the notice to be opposite the ruined finca.

Click on the small image accompanying this entry to see a larger version of the notice.

Dare I suggest a new name for the Partido Popular? I hasten to add that it will entail no change to their PP logo: Prunings Prohibited.

David Neale

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